
Home of the Scrum

A suite of scrum-based multi-channel content designed to create long-lasting relationships with customers long after purchase.

Words. Pictures. Video. Illustration. Website.

The objective
In the post-pandemic era Rhino, a brand uniquely associated with rugby but also present in a wide variety of sports, needed to reset, reminding everyone about its unique place within the sport.

What we did
We rebuilt the entire Rhino ecosystem, starting with a new ecommerce platform that put scrum machines to the fore, creating content that encouraged customers to maintain their machines with advice-led videos. We built Scrum Shop, full of video and written content featuring the best scrum gurus in the world, and then we launched it with the Home of the Scrum campaign that featured Rhino machines around the world, and emphasised the hand-made, British-built values of the brand. The content created over a week, saw us photograph and video every part of every machine in the range, providing a well of content that would serve the brand for years.

What happened
Almost two years after it was created, the evergreen content created for Home of the Scrum continues to drive traffic and bring rugby decision makers to the platform. The knock-on effect is that while we’re helping them maintain their machines, their return to the platform brings them into the sales funnel for other Rhino products, with balls now topping the list of best-sellers. Home of the Scrum has inadvertently helped Rhino become the fastest-growing retailer of rugby balls in the marketplace. Sales have dramatically increased on the platform, increasing by 25% in the first year, and our new approach to social content, also delivered – we’ve increased engagement on Instagram from just 49,000 to 8m, and followers have risen from 7,987 to 25,223. We continue to produce year-on-year sales increases of around 20% across rhino.direct

Want to engage?

Visit rhino.direct

“Sporting Eric has been at the forefront of Rhino at all levels for more than five years, taking a lead strategically on the marketing front and even helping with product development. Home of the Scrum took our brand back to its roots, engaging our core audience of rugby passionates. The content is truly evergreen and is still being used across the entire Rhino group, showing in stadiums from America to Asia and of course back home in Twickenham. It’s been a huge success.”

— Reg Clark, CEO, Rhino Global Sport